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Sunday Services at First Lutheran continue to be in-person and via Zoom.  We hope to see you in person.  But if you prefer to participate through Zoom, go to www.zoom.us and select the blue “Join a Meeting” link at the top center of your screen.  (You won’t need to create an account.)  Just type in the appropriate Meeting ID number and click the blue “Join” button.

Sunday worship, 9:00 a.m.  –  Meeting ID is 852 6256 7424  Passcode is 680145

Bulletins can be sponsored for $25.00 per week. This week’s bulletin is sponsored by the Lindquist family in memory of Evan. There is a sign-up sheet is on the Called to Serve bulletin board in the Narthex.

We are looking for additional members for the Altar Guild. Volunteers help prepare communion each week, in teams of two or three. New volunteers will be paired with an existing member. If you are able to help, please see Annette Newton.

Lenten Soup Suppers: Soup suppers for 2025 are continuing through April 9. The sign up sheet for volunteers and food donations is posted in the narthex. Please come every Wednesday for a warm meal and the Lenten Church Service. Food for your body and soul—begins at 5:00 pm and done by 7:00 pm

Thank you to Art Schmidt for his donation to pay for the Action Bibles for the youth.

First Lutheran Church Women will be collecting donations of bars of soap. The collection box will be in the church narthex. Donations can be   given anytime

the church is open. The bars of soap collected with be given to the My Little Church, the Tiger’s Den Food Shelf and the Pine River Backus Food Shelf.


Families as you register your children for Summer Bible Camp  REMEMBER: First Lutheran Church will pay all Summer Bible Camp Costs after the deposit. (If deposit is a challenge contact Denice Smith at 218-820-4522). Transportation to and from camp is the responsibility of the camper’s family. Carpooling has been a tradition in the past. Camp registration information is available at www.vlm.org. There are early registration, sibling and bring a friend discounts.



Prayers of Healing, Care and Joy

Those with medical concerns…

Caleb Prushek – great nephew of Jane Orth

Cleone Hoplin

Grace Anderson


Those in the service…
Senior Master Sargeant Bradford son of Bill & Kaye Schroeder

Major A.J. Depman, nephew of Bill & Kaye Schroeder

Sgt Christopher Krecklau, son of Mary & Randy Krecklau

E-6 Nathaniel & E-6 Amanda Mitchell, nephew and niece of Mary & Randy Krecklau


To have a prayer request added to the Prayer List, email the church office at 1stluth@uslink.net or call the church office at 218-587-2316. Prayer requests can be for medical concerns, individuals in hospital or hospice, those grieving, or those celebrating a special occasion

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The Week Ahead




Sunday, March 23, 2025

Third Sunday in Lent/Noisy Offering

Worship Service                                                                                                                                   9:00 AM

Babies N Bibles and Club 45 following communion

Fellowship & Coffee Time                                                                                                                 10:00 AM


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

WOW                                                                                                                                                3:30 PM

Soup/Supper                                                                                                                                    5:00 PM

Holden Evening Worship Service                                                                                                      6:00 PM



Sunday, March 30, 2025

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Worship Service                                                                                                                                   9:00 AM

Babies N Bibles and Club 45 following communion

Fellowship & Coffee Time                                                                                                                 10:00 AM